Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jazz's Love

In my previous post I mentioned how the timing of having Penny come to Georgia felt like fate. Yes I am finishing my masters - a process that has been a long 3 year road, she will be here for the holidays and almost all of our family is headed to Georgia this year and cant wait to meet her, and I was so lucky to find an amazing breeder who has continually impressed me. The thing I didn't mention is that it feels most like fate because this time last year was a really hard time for our family. Those of you who have ever owned pets that were truely a part of your family will understand.

The day before Thanksgiving last year was the day that I made the worst decision I have ever had to make. Jazz, our family Jack Russell, aka "my dog" as dad liked to say when she managed to cause yet another hilarious moment, was 16 years old and started failing very suddenly. Making the decision to let her be at peace was absolutely the hardest decision I have made and while it was the right one, it wasn't without alot of pain and tears. We truly lost a member of our family that day.

Everyone who reads this probably has a hilarious Jazz story to tell - she was notorious for finding trouble! To completely understand you have to know that while Jazz was our dog, she only allowed us to live in "her" house. She was also so protective of her family and always knew when you needed some love - you couldn't have asked for a better nurse when you were sick.
She was a terrier through and through! I have chased her through countless neighborhoods, family events and towns...she was a master of escape. She was independent and must have known that her parents came from Queen Elizabeth's Kennel in England because she had the royalty act down!

This year has been the first year since I was born or that my parents got married, that there wasn't a dog in our family. It is such a strange feeling and there are days that I still expect to hear a jingling color as I come in the house. I can't wait to have Ms. Money Penny here and I know that Jazz would have loved to have met her. Below are some pics....

Jazz with her Tennis Ball - good luck trying to catcher her when she had it!

Jazz at Parent's weekend - What a fine Auburn dog!

1 comment:

  1. Precious Jazz!! Oh the memories of her chasing us as kids in the Mansfield House! I believe that she has been the families guardian angel throughout this past year! I know she is responsible for guiding you to Penny!
