Monday, December 21, 2009
Merry Christmas and Hello Terrible Twos
Big Dog Play Date
Here are some other good ones:
Group Playing Football - the pups decided to sit this game out! We had the light weight division off to the side.
Penny and Mike's Son Mason
Carson, Zack and Cyn - Zack just looks big and tuff, he is a complete teddy bear!Monday, December 7, 2009
First Dummy!
Penny has also learned a few other tricks this week, a few intentional and a few not so intentional! Lets just say this pup will do anything for a Natural Balance Training Treat! I highly recommend them, they are soft so you can break off small pieces so over the course of a training session you only use several and your dog doesn't eat to many treats.
She has learned lay down as well as formally learning the word kennel. We are also working on stay while she is laying down instead of sitting up. I read the basics on obedience on the AKC website and you have to sit for 3 minutes across the ring from your handler in the beginning obedience test, lets just say we have a long way to go! We are up to 40 seconds...guess we have some work to do still.
Penny has also mastered the art of jumping on the couch from a full sprint. Just picture Cynthia eating a chicken finger in the chair and all of a sudden Penny supermaned onto the ottoman next to her head and is nose to nose with the chicken was priceless! We were laughing so hard we had to recover to even tell her no!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Big Dog Crate
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Afternoon - Penny is getting Big!
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Radio Flyer Dog! Best Pic yet.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Lake Time!
The water was still a bit warm and since the lake was down for the winter it was so easy for her to wade in. I went in with her up to my knees to make sure she was okay but she didn't need me! She was a natural. I can't wait to see her plow through the water when she is older.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
First Bath
Back to Work
I am continually amazed at how smart she is - smart enough to get into everything but also smart enough to pick up on things so well. She is keeping me on my toes, each time I sit down she is into something else, biting the rug or trying to steal my shoes. She has also gotten sneaky and you will think she is asleep until she is quietly trying to chew whatever is hear her! Sly little rascal! Sit, Kennel and Potty training are well on there way and she hasn't had an accident in the house in two days! So proud of my baby girl.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Penny is finally here!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Who is Excited More?
The letter was sent by Penny - aka Penny's Grandmom better shown here as JAM. Hilarious!!! The letter totally brightened my day and I couldn't help but smile. Enclosed with the letter was a book mark with a Golden Retriever on it. Now you tell me - who is more excited? This might show that Penny's Grandmom is pretty siked as well - don't you think?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Jazz's Love
The day before Thanksgiving last year was the day that I made the worst decision I have ever had to make. Jazz, our family Jack Russell, aka "my dog" as dad liked to say when she managed to cause yet another hilarious moment, was 16 years old and started failing very suddenly. Making the decision to let her be at peace was absolutely the hardest decision I have made and while it was the right one, it wasn't without alot of pain and tears. We truly lost a member of our family that day.
Everyone who reads this probably has a hilarious Jazz story to tell - she was notorious for finding trouble! To completely understand you have to know that while Jazz was our dog, she only allowed us to live in "her" house. She was also so protective of her family and always knew when you needed some love - you couldn't have asked for a better nurse when you were sick.
She was a terrier through and through! I have chased her through countless neighborhoods, family events and towns...she was a master of escape. She was independent and must have known that her parents came from Queen Elizabeth's Kennel in England because she had the royalty act down!
This year has been the first year since I was born or that my parents got married, that there wasn't a dog in our family. It is such a strange feeling and there are days that I still expect to hear a jingling color as I come in the house. I can't wait to have Ms. Money Penny here and I know that Jazz would have loved to have met her. Below are some pics....
Jazz with her Tennis Ball - good luck trying to catcher her when she had it!
Jazz at Parent's weekend - What a fine Auburn dog!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Leaf Green Girl
It has seemed like fate from the beginning and my plan to find a puppy after graduation from grad school happened so perfectly. Anyone looking for a golden should definitely check out Kelly Kosinski's website for her kennel - High Roller Goldens: . She is incredibly knowledgeable and I continue to impressed with her knowledge of goldens. Effie has been such a good mom to the pups and it has been interesting to watch her care for the pups as they grow. Each day Kelly and Effie expose the puppies to different environments, experiences and situations. Check them out on a walk through the river - these dogs are going to be fierce in the field:
After all of the waiting......
All of the puppies are so adorable and I can't wait to see how each of them grows. It seems like it has been years since the puppies were born on September 8th but the long wait is almost over and shortly she will be making the flight to Georgia.
Getting ready for a puppy to arrive has been such a fun process and there is definitely a ton of information out there. Books, websites, veterinarian research.....where to begin. It can be a bit overwhelming. Hopefully all of the research will pay off and Ms. Money Penny will thrive in her new home.
Goal for this weekend - Puppy proof the house! Time to think like a puppy!