Merry Christmas everyone!!! It is hard to believe that Christmas is already here and I am so excited that Penny will be with our family this year. Rumor has it that Santa is bringing her some pretty fun presents so she better be good for the rest of the year.
I think terrible twos set in last week - who knew 14 months was really when terrible twos started! Penny has been testing every rule, command and limit this past week!!!! I feel like the only word I say some days is No! NO, don't drag the bathroom rug out of the bathroom, NO, don't dive bomb Cyn as she is laying on the couch, NO don't eat the coffee table, NO don't run around the condo bouncing off the walls, NO don't try and pull the blinds off the door.....No, No, No......HAHAHA! The hardest part is saying No when half the things are absolutely hilarious. You almost can't get onto her because she is so stinking funny.
Mom did teach me a really good trick - Stop talking. I love to talk to Penny as we go on walks or even just around the house. Good girl, Hey Pen Pen, Watcha Doing....just silly talk as we spend time together. What I didn't know is that this becomes just constant chatter to her and she tunes me out. (sound familiar mom? I think you said this about me a time or two growing up) It is so hard for me not to talk with her but I am trying really hard not to outside of commands on our walks. I practiced yesterday and we went for about an hour and half long walk. It worked so well!!!!
By only using my voice for things I wanted her to hear, she paid attention so much more. She is so smart and is very attuned to my voice so I am going to have to keep practicing using it in the right way. Throughout our walk I threw out commands like SIT and she responded so much faster. What a great tip mom!
Now if only it worked on the terrible twos.....oh boy!